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Registration for this event will open on Monday 3rd February

If you wish to unregister for an event you can do this on your profile


  • Friday 14th March

  • 8:15 am – 10:15 am
  • Innovation Centre


Get in touch


Start your Friday with an hour or two of high-value networking. No heavy speeches, no presentations… Just a relaxed and informal way to establish new business connections.

This is a fantastic opportunity for you to connect with some of the North’s most dynamic hi-tech entrepreneurs, corporates, universities, support organisations and funding and professional communities.


  • 08.15 am/08.30 am – Arrival and registration
  • 08.30 am – 08.55 am – Networking
  • 09.00 am – Hybrid live event starts (Elevator pitches)
  • 09. 45 am – Hybrid event finish
  • 09.45 am – 10.15 am – Networking

Places to attend the physical BBN event are limited so please register early to avoid disappointment.

If you miss the opportunity to join the in-person event you can still join ONLINE by following the link HERE

Once you have registered for the event you can also access and download the delegates list prior to the event and communicate in advance with key people you want to connect with via the email button in the delegates list.

At least 48 hours before the event you will receive a follow-up email containing further information you will need to be aware of when visiting the campus including car parking instructions and any COVID-19 measures that may be in place during the event.

Download Attendee List

Who's coming?

0 people are attending Business Breakfast Networking Event: Mar 2025

Attendee Name Company Profile